


The Challenge Barcelona Triathlon is regulated by the rules established by the Spanish Triathlon Federation (FETRI), in accordance with the International Triathlon Union (ITU), the highest authority in the world of Triathlon.

The organisation will have civil liability insurance in accordance with current legislation. All non-federated participants will have a day accident insurance contracted by the organisation. This insurance will cover the following points:

Unlimited medical assistance for sports accidents in Spanish territory.

Invalidity according to the scale for sporting accidents up to 12.000€.

Death due to sporting accident up to 6.000€.

Notification of the sporting accident must be on the same day of the sporting event. Coverage for medical or medical-surgical assistance will only be in the health care centres agreed by the insurance company.

The medical team of the race is authorized to decide if a participant cannot continue the race, due to medical or health reasons of the participant, forcing him/her to withdraw.

Participants may not use doping or prohibited substances with the intention of improving their performance or for any other purpose. Anti-doping tests may be carried out at the end of the competition if the organization considers it appropriate.

The participant must show good behaviour, courtesy and respect to the rest of the participants, the organization team, the volunteer team, judges and all the people who are part of the race. Failure to do so will result in direct disqualification at any time before, during or after the competition.

In the case that a participant wishes to withdraw from the competition, and whenever possible, he/she must immediately inform the organization of his/her withdrawal. Any participant who doesn’t do so and is object of a search and rescue operation will be responsible for assuming the expenses related to the rescue.

The Challenge Barcelona Triathlon reserves the rights to modify at any time the rules, routes and/or spaces of the race, whenever necessary, and the athletes will be notified before the race.

The participants of the race cannot be bare-chested during the cycling and running sections, as established in the FETRI regulations.

It is the responsibility of the athletes who participate in the race to know the routes of each of the segments of the race, both in terms of its layout and the laps they must do, if necessary. The organization will provide all the information of the circuits through the official website of the race and the different media available, as well as the changes that may occur.

The participant must wear the bib number visible and the bracelet that accredits him/her as a participant during the entire race.

All participants and relay teams must carry out the Check In (control of material and access to the transition area – box) at the times established by the organization and with the required material. The organization reserves the right to disqualify any participant who does not adhere to these rules.

In the Olympic distance, the participation of youth and cadets (under 18 years of age on December 31 of the current year) is not allowed.

In the Sprint distance, the participation of cadets (under 16 years of age on December 31 of the current year) is not allowed.


The mandatory equipment in this segment includes: the official swimming cap of the race and any other material indicated in the athlete’s guide, such as the neoprene dress. The decision on the use of neoprene, whether it is mandatory, optional or prohibited will be taken on the day of the race according to the measurement of the water temperature in relation to the ambient temperature, as established in the FETRI regulations.

It is allowed to swim with the bib as long as it is under the neoprene. If it is not allowed to wear the neoprene, it is forbidden to wear the bib for the swimming section.

It is allowed to swim with compression sleeves underneath the neoprene.

The swimming circuit may be modified, shortened or suspended depending on different factors such as weather conditions, safety for participants, water conditions, etc. The organization will make the appropriate decision taking into account all these factors.

It is forbidden to use flippers, swim fins, blades or flotation devices of any kind. The use of swimming goggles or face masks is permitted.


The adhesive bib number must be attached to the bicycle seat post and be visible all the time.

It is mandatory to wear the bib number and visible at all times during the cycling segment. It must be placed on the back of the body.

The adhesive bib number must be attached to the bicycle seat post and be visible all the time. In addition, it must have the adhesive number on the front and on the left side of the helmet.

The participant must always wear the helmet when he/she is in contact with the bicycle, and it must be properly attached and securely fastened.

All bicycles will be subject to a mandatory control by members of the organization to ensure the efficiency of the brakes and that they are in compliance with the regulations.

Participants in the cycling section must ride preferably on the right side of the road at all times and overtake or be overtaken by others on their left side, as well as follow traffic signs and laws.

In the transition area – box, the bicycle must be rested on the poles, in the place where the participant has been accredited for his bib.

It is mandatory to leave the bicycle and the material that you will use exclusively for the competition at the time established by the organization for the check-in, in no case it will be possible to do it in another time.

Reducing or not completing the cycling segment correctly will result in a direct disqualification of the participant.

The use of headphones, mobiles, cameras or other objects is not allowed in any segment of the race.

It is mandatory to wear the chip on the ankle during the entire race and return it when crossing the finish line. If the chip is not returned, the participant will be charged €15 for the lost chip. The participant will have 5 days to notify the organization, which will tell the participant where to send it, otherwise a charge of €15 will be made.

The organization reserves the right to disqualify a participant if he/she falls outside the previously established and published cut-off times.


Participants may not alter or change the appearance of their bib number during the running circuit.

It is mandatory to wear the race bib at all times during the running segment. It must be worn on the front of the body. External assistance of any kind is forbidden.

As well as the following and/or accompanying of any participant with a vehicle not belonging to the organization. In these cases the participant will be disqualified.

Vehicles not belonging to the organization are not allowed to circulate along the course.


Relay teams can be composed of male, female or mixed teams of 2 or 3 members.

Each team will have a swim cap, a chip and a bib for the cyclist and another one for the runner.

The testimony is given by giving the chip from one component to another in their reserved space in the transition area – box.

From the start of the competition until crossing the finish line, the chip must be worn by the team member who is competing, always placed on the ankle.

The pick-up of the bib and the check in can be done by only one member of the team, as long as he/she shows the identification:

BIB NUMBER: photocopy of the ID card or an image on the phone of all the team members and proof that all are federated.

CHECK IN: show all identification material such as bike bib number, helmet bib number, swim cap, bib number, wristband and chip.

Access to the transition area or box will be indicated by a sign. During the competition only the member of the team that will make the next relay and located in the place where we will have his bike, will be able to be inside the boxes. It is not allowed to warm up inside this area.

There will be a classification for the category of mixed relay teams, another for female relay and another for male relay.


The Junior Challenge (Super Sprint) is an initiation and promotion modality of the triathlon in the minor categories. It will be a timed test by chip, where all the participants will be awarded with a finisher medal. This race is aimed at boys and girls between the ages of 12 and 17.

The express authorization of the father, mother or legal guardian is required to participate in the race.


Below are the cut-off times for each of the modalities and segments of the race.







1h 37’

1h 05’

3h 07’




1h 05’






2h 10’





2h 10’




1h 10’

All participants who do not achieve these cut-off times will be disqualified and will have to abandon the race. If they wish to continue, they will do so at their own risk and without the support of the security and control staff of the race.

Cancellations and refunds

The registration is personal and non-transferable and cannot be transferred to another person.

Once the registration to the race has been made, no refund will be made, except if the race is suspended by decision of the organization, for reasons attributable to it and/or for reasons related to the Covid-19 pandemic. In the cases described above, the registration fee will be refunded minus a 2€ administration fee.

In the event of adverse weather conditions that make it impossible to hold any of the races with all of its segments, the organization will carry out an alternative race in agreement with the judges. In no case will another date be proposed.


Cancellation of the swimming circuit due to rough sea conditions: Duathlon

Cancellation of the cycling circuit due to the rain: Aquathlon

Cancellation of the cycling and swimming circuit: Running race

In the case of extraordinary weather conditions or force majeure not attributable to the organization and that make it impossible to hold the race, the organization will not assume any responsibility and will not make any refund of the registration fee.

The organization is not responsible for any physical, moral and/or material damages that may affect the participants and/or spectators during the race.

The participants exempt, in any case, the organization from claims or demands for accidents or illnesses that may be contracted or aggravated during the race, by actions or omissions, personal or material damages and, without limitation, by theft, robbery or damage / loss of material that may occur by their own acts, by other participants or even third parties during the development of the activity.

The responsibility of the organizer of the event is that set out in article 3 of Annex II of the current Traffic Regulations: the activity of the sporting event shall be governed by the rules established by these special regulations, the sporting regulations and other applicable rules.

A participant who cannot attend a race for which he/she has registered may not transfer it to another participant under any circumstances.

Cancellation insurance

A registration cancellation insurance can be taken out through the registration form. The price of the insurance will be 15€.

This insurance will be valid until 15 days before the celebration of the event. Until this date the participant will be able to request the reimbursement of 100% of the registration fee. In no case will the part corresponding to the amount of the insurance be refundable.

Security and medical assistance

The security on public roads and traffic control will be the responsibility of the Guardia Urbana de Barcelona with the support of the organization. In each of the three segments of the triathlon will be medical assistance in accordance with current regulations, the number of participants and the high percentage of non-expert athletes.

The medical services are authorized to withdraw any participant for medical reasons.


Privacy policy EMP Sport Events, as the person in charge of the treatment of this website and in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDGDD ) and the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of April 27, 2016, relating to the protection of natural persons, have implemented those policies, means and technical procedures and organizational to guarantee and protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the personal data of its users. These data will be treated in treatment 0639, which applies to procedures regarding “Sports events and activities in public space organized by the IBE” at the link: property of the person responsible for the treatment which is Barcelona City Council duly registered with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, in accordance with what is established in current legislation.

In the case that the data to be provided by the user are necessary for the EMP Sport Events team to (I) order inquiries, provide information required by the user; (II) provide all the services and/or products contracted or subscribed by the user; (III) provide the user with access to certain functionalities of the Website; or (IV) carry out all the activities of EMP Sport Events, as described herein, EMP Sport Events will inform the user of this obligation, indicating which data must necessarily be provided. Through the indication, facilitation or introduction of this data and in accordance with the provisions of article 6 of the L.O.P.D.G.D.D. the user grants consent to the person in charge of the treatment and to EMP Sport Events as the person in charge of the treatment to proceed with the treatment of the data provided for the benefit of the purposes mentioned above.

The entity responsible for the database, as well as the people who intervene in any phase of the treatment and/or the entities to which they have been communicated – if applicable and by virtue of the corresponding authorization conferred by the user -, are obliged to observe professional secrecy and to adopt the levels of protection and the technical and organizational measures at their disposal that guarantee the security of personal data, avoiding, as far as possible, unauthorized access, modifications and · unlawful acts, thefts and/or loss of data, in order to obtain the corresponding level of security in the files of the Barcelona City Council, according to the nature and sensitivity of the data provided by the users of this Website. Equally, EMP Sport Events as the person in charge of the treatment undertakes to have the corresponding security measures implemented by virtue of what is established in the Regulation of Measures of (R.D. 1720/2007).

Users have the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition and, where applicable, the right to revoke consent at any time through the link:

Despite this and in accordance with the interests of sports, promotion and exploitation (reproduction of photographs of the circuit, broadcasting of videos, publication of rankings, etc.) by any device (television, internet, graphic advertising, etc.) and without time limit, registrants expressly grant the organization the right to reproduce their name and surname, the position obtained in the classification, their photographs and videos.

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